Speaking about the landing gears; a more thorough look at the NLG and MLGs is worth the time to check. As I started this “quick ToLiss A319 impression”, at this moment it is not my goal to figure out the contents of every tutorial page, but I can tell you of what I’ve seen, it’s a well-written, highly informative and comprehensive tutorial. Worth To Know … trimming … yes or no? We have to deal with the monitor size or the X-Plane dimension window, the rendering settings, your computer hardware and then in particular the CPU and the GPU and so on. Ho ho, hold on! Not only nice, it’s realistic, but there’s always the question…. My goal with any review is and stays; I would like to offer as far as I can, a comprehensive look into the modeled aircraft I’m reviewing. It’s in most cases in my opinion not even passible to make a comparison. On the other hand, I think that we should not forget that a simulated model like the ToLiss A319 (and other comparable models too) need a lot of calculations which can result in lower frame rates then expected. One of them is the low frame rates. This is an enhancement to the Toliss A319 BSS sound pack which replaces the default American Airlines recorded sounds with British Airways automated announcements. This adjustment is needed to have the arm at the right position for optimal sidestick grip. For a comprehensive review as for this aircraft, I found it a good idea to check several A319, A320 movies. – Diversion to an alternate airport, Prior to working through this tutorial, please read the “simulation manual” _which provides the necessary knowledge to operate the simulator.”. It uses, if applicable, the stabilizer TRIM tank to change or improve the C.G. That has fixed dimensions. Overall an external aircraft that is full with tiny details, accurate so I’m very pleased with it. The weather conditions at LFBO haven’t changed and this means that we will land on one of the available runways 32, but this time it will be the run way often used by Airbus Industries 32L. It’s fun to see how this all works. We will try to keep his painting/livery list up-to-date, but whenever you see one of his painting not being available via X-Plained.Com, please let us know. There is also a version that features both a 2d and a 3d panel available. Some simmers would say … how does your personal reporter Angelique knows all of this and who is she to say this? Let’s see how it goes. The promised update for the A319 to bring its functionally to the A321 CEO level is ready! First of all, the ToLiss A319 comes with a build-in pushback truck. Important note: This is an Add-on to the ToLiss Airbus A321. Introduction Some ToLIss A319 Facts – Configurations – High or Standard Definition – Liveries – Manual – AIRAC Cycles First Impressions – 3D Cockpit – Virtual Cabin – External Inspection LFBO Test Flight Preparation – Flight Plan? That’s the same with this aircraft too. When something isn’t correctly modeled or is wrong, then it’s fair to mention it. Perhaps a complex story, but it loads the textures at different resolutions into the VRAM. – Freeware | Zones Photo ortho ground textures Let’s have a closer look into this Airbus model. It is correct that there’s no electronic checklist included – perhaps in the future – but the ToLiss Aircraft Manual comes with a Standard Operating Procedures list, starting at page 25 up till and including page 39. Note that the plugin imports either the “Default Fixes” and “Default Navigraph Fixes” (X-Plane 10 only) or the Custom Versions thereof, if available. If we fly to ADIMO, that depens if we need to be in a holding. – External Inspection. Ok, instructions ……! External textures quality is always one issue to look at, cabin quality another issue as well as the 3D cockpit quality, but flight dynamics is in my opinion the most important thing to look at and also the most complex one to judge. I see many dedicated files customized for the ToLiss A319 which is good news. The answer is no! The cabin is worth the look and feel. Was it worth this test flight? You could also decide to download and install the freeware BetterPushback plugin. As long as these are in the managed mode, the FMGS takes care for it, but you do need to set the first descent altitude as indicated on the MCDU. Oh yes, you can still use the tutorial since it offers a lot of additional cockpit preparation information, needed for all kind of flights however, those items in the tutorial related to that flight plan and thus what to enter in the MCDU, is different. (Courtesy of WikiPedia)”. For this review, I used the following freeware add-ons and/or lua scripts: Much appreciated and I’m happy that you liked the review. I’ve activated the APPR PHASE, so all is set I think and yes, of course, I used the list of everything is done. ToLiss is new, but the lead developer behind it is known from the QPAC A320. engine heat blur or APU fire. You can also go for the offline freeware tool LittleNavMap, but it can do much more then just flight planning. It could be that I’ve forgotten parts of the ISCS, but that’s very well and in-depth explained in the manual. Panel integral lighting and external lighting are worth some additonal screenshots, dov you think? Does it mean that you and I can’t use the tutorial? And above all, different indications. For NWS (Nose Wheel Steering) you can decide to assign a rotary knob on your joystick or throttle unit. Just to practice, but above all, to see how the flight plan responds to it. By hand means, A/THR (Auto Thrust) is doing the thurst calculation while there’s no AP connected. An extraordinary modeled Airbus A319 for X-Plane 10 and X-Plane 11 which is good news for those who still use X-Plane 10. Depending on the type of aircraft you’ve chosen, you have either CFM or IAE engines fitted underneath the wing, these engines and pylons are also worth a thorough inspection. I must say that the overall look and feel of the modeled 3D cockpit is very nice. Yes, it’s worth it and then in particular the 3D cockxpit lighting. It’s not a matter of reading books, and manuals and so on. – Configurations Please forward to 1:40 for the actual video. Encontre, por fin el fichero que me indicabais, X-Plane GNS430, FF757/767/777, X-Crafts Embraer E-175, Aerobask Aircrafts, JRollon Planes CRJ200, JARDesign A320/A330, ToLiss A319 (XP10), STMA Aircraft - native** que por cierto Zxplane tambien me lo decía muy clarito, lo descomprimi y coloque en el Custon data. Our aircraft come with a state-of-the-art external model, including custom particle effects, e.g. In the simulations manual page 5 there’s the following regarding the 2D cockpit including the updater; “Note that the aircraft delivered by default contains a 3d cockpit only. – Payware | Aerosoft LFBO version 1.02 And it’s not just the engine start behavior, it’s everything that starts already with placing the ENG START selector to ING/START and how other system react on that, as well as when the engine is stabilized. As of this writing – March 2018 – the ToLiss A319 cost you 69.00 USD. I do the writing with pleasure, but did I cover everything? Additionally, starting at page 25, the manual offers standard operating procedures including FMGS initialization. What’s personally for me more interesting how realistic does it fly, how real are the flight dynamics implemented. Although the panels itself or the area around knobs, buttons, switches etc. Only IAE available. You also have the choice between different engine types and different winglets. I can tell you, it’s important! All the tabs of the ISCS popup window are in-depth explained so no worries that you miss something. I’m wondering if this might be a good “first airliner” for someone who has flown GA exclusively up to now? It’s basically all about how to install the aircraft, how to setup the activation process, and how to use the Interactive Simulation Control System (ISCS). Those windy conditions effect the aircraft behavior while flying more or less parallel LFBO and descending from FL100 to 6000 feet. The only thing that surprises me is that for the cockpit panels a special texture sheet had been introduced for text and markings while on the external textures the decals are far from sharp, at some places they are a bit blurry. Next the ToLiss Simulation manual. Will the ToLIss 3D cockpit offer you a weathered/used cockpit? How to import Simbrief Flight Plan into FMC? On the A380 and A350 the trim wheels are replaced by a pitch trim switch which has the same functionality as the trim wheels but only a lot smaller. I’ve seen many add-on aircraft struggling with calculating descents, calculating the correct vertical speeds to be at that altitude for the next waypoint as indicated on the MCDU. Et voila. Not that you get on the ground, in this case with the freeware airport LFBO from XPFR, 50 FPS, but still with high settings I get 30-35. What I want to say is … when you like the ToLiss, accept to screw down a couple of sliders or use the 3j lua Wizard. I think it’s important to highlight the following in respect to the 2D cockpit, in case you would like to have in in your ToLiss A319. – Use or Not Using the Tutorial? – Manual by moving the fuel from the other fuel tanks to the trim tank and of course, some conditions are there to comply.”. No, it does what I expected and yes, perhaps I’ve missed a couple of things. – Freeware | LFBO-Toulouse-Blagnac-06-08-14 1.0 by Org user “parck” Once you get the idea – for those who are new to the Airbus philosophy – how the “flow” thru the cockpit is and how to follow all the steps, you’re done in no-time, but keep in mind, MCDU programming will take a lot of time, but even that is something you can learn! The ToLIss A319 comes with 3 Acrobat manuals:
- ToLiss_319_V1.0_AircraftManual (39 pages) The overall flight plan looks like this: Listening to it, seeing how the engine starts, how it accelerates, very realistic and without doubt a big plus! The frame rates are very nice, and yes, it all depends on your rendering settings, CPU and GPU speed as well as the amount of your GPU memory. Back to the ToLiss_Custom sound folder and then in particular the IAE sound file (IAE_SpoolupRoar_FromRear_FirstCandidate.wav). All together not easy to calculate. If I looked at the aircraft from outside frames were 35+, inside, back down to around around 18. And some exclusive screenshots on another flight are coming up. Whatever you personally will experience, it’s a nice feature. One of the reasons I prefer SkyVector is not because it’s easier, but with SkyVector I have the control over the amount or sort of waypoints, VOR or NDB beacons. In relation to this crash topic, I would suggest creating a second X-Plane copy on your desktop, keep it clean and test an aircraft without any add-on, any lua script(s) or any plugin. It deals with the airconditioning zone temperature selectors. It’s also designed to work with X-Plane 10 and I think that’s a good marketing strategy. While following the checklist steps, I found a couple of switches/selector knobs (for example the CONSOLE/FLOOR, RAIN RPLNT, AUDIO SWITCHING (AFT overhead panel), MECH CALL P/B) that aren’t simulated, but I’m not worrying to much about them. Without going into too much detail, programming as a non-real live Auto Flight engineer building an Auto Flight System known as the FMGS (Flight Management and Guidance System), is very difficult. – Flight Plan? Taxi, Takeoff and Initial Climb Another option simBrief. Preparations This is just one example of the simulated split system. By the way, even when X-Plane 11 is still active, once you’ve deleted one or more situation files, they are automatically removed in the ISCS window. One final thing to check out; the ToLiss topics at X-Plane.Org. I compared the ToLIss A319 with other similar aircraft models like the FlightFactor/StepToSky 757, 767, A320 Ultimate, the JARDesign A320Neo, SSG Embraer E-195 Evolution. I found something which is not a big deal since you and I don’t have at home, but the outer armrests of the pilot seats have no height adjustment wheel and there’s also no position indicator. Normally I won’t write down anything on how the engine starts or just a brief engine start experience, but this time, I need to! Then it’s time to takeoff and wow, that engine sound is a great to hear! For example, static dischargers, detailed landing gears etc. Pressing the BARO knob on the left-hand side for STD won’t do the same on the right-hand side. Use or not Using the Tutorial? More information can be found at the dedicated JARDesign web page. Believe me, comparing these products is something like comparing an Apple with a Peer. On the new A330F (Freighter) and A340-500/-600, this is automatically done by the computer using the information that the pilot inserts via FMS. You don’t believe me? Although many simmers have moved to X-Plane 11, there are still many simmers out there who are using X-Plane 10. Very well done and highly realistic! When you click LSK 1L, you’ll presented with the saved flight plans in the Output/FMS plans folder (fms extension) and those saved in Resources/plugins/ToLissFlightPlans (qpc extension). When you look closely to the screenshots below, why do we first fly to NARAK and then back south for runway 32L/R. Oops, almost forgotten. Worth to know the following: Hi Angelique, I see you’re getting good frame rates, on the Toliss forum other iMac, and some Windows users, aren’t so lucky. The object for the panels itself doesn’t allow this flag. The steps to go thru all of this can be found in the tutorial manual pages 19 till and including 22 and pages 31 till and including 34. During taxi I didn’t notice any rumbling sound or whatsoever, but during the takeoff roll I did hear. I’m glad to help. With the introduction of digital computers and belonging schematics, all electrical components where replaced by integrated circuits, identified as “blocks”. Perhaps you hope that this review answers; will it cover the differences between for example Peters Aircraft A319, FF A320 Ultimate or the JARDesign A320Neo? That said, go for the JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe add-on. I’ve entered/saved a clean flight plan without a SID or STAR. The FMA (Flight Mode Annunciator) on the PFD tells you when to move your throttle back to CLIMB thrust and the FD (Flight Directors) tell you what pitch or roll input has to be given. How does it fly, how does it feel when you fly it manaully? The standard numbering system was published by the Air Transport Association on June 1, 1956. They are controlled via the ISCS tab “Ground Services-Aircraft Doors”. When the aircraft crashes or X-Plane crashes with this clean system, then it could be that there’s something wrong. Enough about this! Oh oh, I planned, no, I promised myself to write a quick impression of this brand-new Airbus A319 from ToLiss, but it turned out to be a comprehensive review. Delete the situation file of your wish and make a new one although you can also change the siutation on the aircraft , and save it under the same name. No, I couldn’t find any further animations like sliding windows, movable armrests, but I mentioned them before, you do have the option of different popup DU’s and perhaps it’s worth to tell you that the MCDUs can be popped up individually and they work, as far as I’ve seen, independent from each other. Within the Interactive Simulation Control System (ISCS) popup window, you choose tab Audio-Visual Settings, and then from the “Engine Type” dropdown box you select AUTO, CFM or IAE. Can someone explain how to import flight plan created in simbrief into xplane 11 FMC? My test flight departs from Toulouse Blagnac Airport (LFBO) and arrives back at LFBO. The “Std Def” version allows framerate improvements for weaker hardware. I tried a flight from EINN to EGKK, not frame hungry airports. Referring to your idea of for example making a comparison of the ToLiss A319 versus the FF Ultimate A320 and perhaps adding the JARDesign A320 Neo and the Peters Aircraft A320 Series, I can be short although not everybody agrees with me. There’s always something you and I can find or what we would love to see different. I have seen a paint kit which is available via your dedicated ToLIss X-Plane.Org account page, but it’s also distributed via the, it seems, official livery Org page, setup and maintained by Matthew007800. ToLiss Simulation Solution - Addons for X-Plane Providing high-quality Airbus aircraft for the X-Plane 10 and 11 flight simulator. I plan to make a movie for the arrival as described in my review, but for now I only made a movie for the climb out LFBO (https://youtu.be/iao7GFBQRb8). Just about flyable, but it slows down everything. If you want to read more about the cost index background, it worth to read “getting to grips with the cost index”, an Airbus article from May 1998. – ToLiss A319. Final Approach and Landing don’t show much weathering, the light grey selector knob on for example the overhead panel do offer a lot of “used spots”. 100 or higher is flying as fast as possible.”. After take off there is a transition on who’s is controlling the airplane (what laws are working). The ToLiss A319 comes to us at the perfect time for an Airbus simulation. Does it matter for the FMS … no, not at all! Check out the video below. Flight Plan? Perhaps it will cost you a few times to get the right feeling how to do it, but believe me, pilots have had many hours of training before they understood the steps to follow. After you’ve finished to enter all the waypoints, click LSK 6R (Line Select Key) on that respective FLT PLN page, identified as SAVE>. There you can see the trim wheels moving, but you can’t interact “command” them. See some screenshots below, using the dedicated ToLiss GHD A319 set in combination with the AirFrance livery. Listening to the movie it’s clear to me that the IAE engine has overall a higher tone and yes, in case you bring this up, the movie deals with the Airbus A320 engines, but these sound differences are minimal versus the A319. Our aircraft models come with a complete 3d cockpit with custom lighting and all switches modelled. % using the trim units, applicable for the A330-200/-300 and the old A340. Therefore, no comparison! When you focus during your climb on the left-hand side of the instrument panel, don’t forget that when the yellow box around the BARO value pops up, that this most likely also happens on the other PFD too. I only highlight this, not as a comment, but more as a note that the GPU unit isn ‘t simulated. Besides your reply I think it’s not good to compare products of the same models but different developers. Hopefuly I haven’t fergotten anything! I wrote about the FD switch, or the split MCDU operation, but even other small things you don’t expect are split like the BARO SET and STD knobs. The real weather conditions are still good, but it’s windy. Just to make clear; the modeled ToLiss A319 aircraft are the A319-112 (CFM configuration) and the A319-132 (IAE configuration). Providing Airport Maps, Enroute Charts, and NavData to the Flight Simulation Community since 2003. On the other hand, it works. As I can remember from Airbus pilots during my good old days in the aviation, FBW Airbus aircraft fly easy or if you wish … easy to handle. Whenever you want to fly this once more, or perhaps twice to test your skills or perhaps even more, you can load the saved flight plan via the INIT A page, LSK 1L. It works fine, but it’s not the most high quality texture model there is since it looks a bit blurry. Je m'emploie à découvrir cet avion et en particulier à saisir manuellement un plan de vol établi dans SimBrief. We highly recommend to work through this tutorial first. – Freeware | Enviro+ 1.1 / Cloud package with lua script. According to the Simulation Manual “The “Hi Def” version of the aircraft uses higher resolution textures and is the recommended aircraft to load if your hardware supports it. An aircraft like this ToLiss with an unique FBW simulation and extraordinary flight characteristics is worth an excellent painting, right? This page will show the current development status of all public ToLiss projects. Informed ToLIss via Skype and send the necessary data as confirmation. Otherwise you just give people false hope (that a new post is a download link being posted) and bury newer requests (and any useful information posted in the thread you are bumping). Assuming I’m on the third seat, seeing the takeoff and hearing that typical hi-bypass GE/CFM sound. I’m not getting good frames, especially in cloud or frame heavy airports, at EHAM they can go down to 19 fps. They differ a lot, but you and I know that. It feels good. Airbus has what we call “auto trim” and this is directly linked with the flight control laws. The review should be, not easy by the way, objective and the moment I start with comparing Airbus models with each other, I make in my humble opinion, the biggest mistake. Doing my walk-around inspection, as usual, I can’t say anything else then that I’m happy with the overall 3D model and it looks like that everything I expect to be there, is there. Virtual Cabin I select for this LASBO and click LSK 6R. I’ve got with my iMac no idea! This enhancement was able to be made using this video here I have tried my best to edit out times and destinations etc. For a new flight, you can now start with SimBrief in the browser. In case you made a mesh of your saved situations, look into X-Plane 11 folder Resources-plugins-ToLissData-Situations. From the very first moment Airbus Industries, now known as EADS, introduced the digital Auto Flight System instead of an analog Auto Pilot, Auto Throttle (or Auto Thrust), not all the necessary information was anymore available. This brings me to another item and that’s the Flight Plan format which is the default fms file format. Introduction Users can manage a virtual fleet and log their flights together with deep integrations from Navigraph and SimBrief. Let me highlight one thing that’s different; the ToLIss A319 uses the QPAC FBW plugin, which is as far as my aviation knowledge goes, unique in its way. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), XPFR Toulouse/Blagnac (LFBO) for X-Plane 10.25 and up, LFBO-Toulouse-Blagnac-06-08-14 1.0 by Org user “parck”, Enviro+ 1.1 / Cloud package with lua script, matthew007800 (yes the same one as mentioned), Download / Approximately 503MB (unzipped), - 1 internal 1TB SSD (High Sierra 10.13.3), - Saitek Pro Flight System X-52 Pro and X-56 Rhino. I mentioned something about “weathered” look and feel. My opinion is; a complex and accurate aircraft like the ToLiss A319 deserves a thorough study with the provided manuals. AIRAC Cycles All together an informative manual, in particular the thorough description and operation of the ISCS popup window. While the ATA 100 numbering system has been superseded, it continued to be widely used until it went out of date back in 2015, especially in documentation for general aviation aircraft, on aircraft Fault Messages (for Post Flight Troubleshooting and Repair) and the electronic and printed manuals. Does the 3D cockpit have any animations besides the popups of the PFD, ND, ECAM DU’s and MCDUs? You can read it back in the Simulations Manual pages 16 till and including 18. The base package doesn’t come with a livery, besides the house ToLiss livery. Here you are …. With the ToLiss A319 it’s a pleasure to see how things are calculated, re-calcuated if needed and how in managed mode the vertical speed is controlled to reach the correct altitude. From that moment it wasn’t possible to follow a pitch, roll or yaw “channel”, besides many other features. And remember, also in the tutorial manual, any DISCONTINUITY in your flight plan can be removed by clicking the CLR button on the MCDU keyboard, following the LSK with the DISCONTINUITY. As you might know, for creating a flight plan you could use many programs like Routefinder which offers you quickly a flight plan, but this is not in “X-Plane fms” format. If you want the version with 2d and 3d panel, please contact the X-Plane.Org store, they will provide you with the download link. $57.50 A320 Ultimate. After I’ve updated the default X-Plane AIRAC and placed the lfbolfbo.fms flight plan file into the X-Plane Output/FMS plans folder, it’s time to start with the cockpit preparations. Once you have that, start the simulated A320 and open the "Plan" tab. Again, I’m personally more interested in a realistic FBW system with “as realistic as it gets” flight dynamics!