By doing this, the Spriggan wants to steal your “Blessing of the Grove” buff. These are skippable, the only mob that needs to die is the Harvester who’s guarding the glowing door to the next part of the way. The achievements aren’t hard to do but they will take some time to complete. Kill it and move forward. In the Hunter’s Grotto (“Green Area”), you can grab a buff that increases your stamina. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. “Locate the three missing Essences throughout Vateshran Hollows and collect every Remnant of each Type.”. When the Colossus and the Pyrelord are stacked close together, place your AoEs. To avoid this, run towards the edge of the platform and use the grappling hook to get on one of the three floating islands and use the Void Portal there. The first enemies you will encounter here are several Banekin and Winged Twilights. Share. When Rahdgarak changes his color to become invulnerable, he will spawn two archers on the platform he is standing on. You should get rif of it. ESO Sets in Elder Scrolls Online are obtained via Crafting, as drops from mobs and bosses across Tamriel, from PvP vendors in Battlegrounds or Cyrodiil and from Dungeons and Trials.Some sets can be acquired from Maelstrom Arena or Dragonstar Arena.See also: Set Crafting Locations for the locations on where the Crafted Sets can be made. The Wounding is accessible by the blue portal in the Choosing entrance area. After this period of time, you are ported back into the room with the Mimic. LEVEL 50 CHAMPION 160 (2 items) Adds 784 spell critical (3 items) Adds 1032 Max Magicka (4 items) Adds 784 spell critical With the grappling hook you just received, you can grapple up onto the ledges all the way into a lava filled cave. You need to have completed the Brimstone Den before, as you need the Brimstone Orb mechanic for this. This setup is easier to acquire and also has more defensive stats compared to the first one, which means it’s safer to play. This area is inspired by Molag Bal and his realm of Oblivion, Coldharbour. You will get a lower score if you don’t kill everything in your way, but the achievements (speed run, no-death…) count nonetheless! In depth guide for the solo arena "Vateshran Hollows" for both magicka and stamina based setups. You can find the boss explanation here: Leptfire Keeper Boss, Boss Health: [HP: 2’743’858 / 3’292’630 / 4’664’559]. Note: If you did the Brimstone Den before going to the Hunter’s Grotto, you can now take a little detour to the right/south-east. Skipping mobs to save time is a valid tactic here, in some areas you can just sprint from gatekeeper to gatekeeper. If you have completed the Brimstone Den, you will be able to use the Brimstone Orb mechanic here to cross the lava. The mobs are skippable. The Vateshran Hollows Solo Arena is located in The Reach zone, the arena is part of the Markarth DLC which is part of the Greymoor Chapter. One normal run gave me around 400 kilometers, so it might take a while to get this done. In the first arena you go in you won’t be able to get the special buff, therefore we use the above rotation depending on whether you are a stamina or magicka setup. Therefore it is important that you do the arena in a certain rotation. After the miniboss is dead, a new portal appears at the edge of the arena and allows you to port back to the main fight. At the end of the way you will reach a bottomless cave with six platforms. Just make sure to get rid of a few if the damage really gets too intense. The orb also respawns after a while, that means technically you can run around in the lava and then repeat the process at the same orb over and over again till you have 10000 kilometers. This will teleport you onto the ringshaped space above. |, Pet Sorcerer Heavy Attack Build [Summoner], Magicka Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, Stamina Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, 1 Bar Sorcerer Build Maelstrom & Vateshran, Full Antiquities List with Locations of Leads, Dwarven Ebon Wolf Mount Item Location List, Hero of the Unending Song Achievement – How To, builds that have a Vateshran Hollows setup, Sorcerer Streak Trick on Endboss in Vateshran Hollows ESO, Hero of the Unending Song Achievement Guide, Boss 1: Zakuryn the Sculptor & Flesh Abomination, 659’583 & 989’092 / 791’500 & 1’207’297 / 1’121’291 & 1’710’338, Secret Boss (Optional): Xobutar of His Deep Graces. Name Effect; Executioner’s Blade: 2 items: Hidden Blade deals up to 250% more damage to … This sigil, which looks like a shield, gives you a lot of damage mitigation and additionally reflects all ranged attacks back to the attacker, often causing ranged mobs to even kill themselves. 1. You won’t see them being used in score runs by top players, as the use of sigils means a lower score, but they can really help you to get through arena. Willkommen zum Guide für die Solo-Arena "Grund des Vateshran" in the Elder Scrolls Online. In this guide you can see the three different health values for each boss, depending on the difficulty stage you fight them on. At the end of the first three phases, the boss will cause an explosion and you will have to use one of the three portals located around the main arena to flee from her. You can also find builds for Vateshran Hollows on Avoid the moving little shock orbs on the ground, they cause surprisingly high damage. “Locate and defeat all of the hidden challengers in Vateshran Hollows.”. Stay focused, even when all different mechanics are in play. Vateshran Hollows is a challenging and fun to complete Solo Arena in The Elder Scrolls Online. When Maebroogha’s Health hits 10%, she will channel “Void Eruption”, telegraphed by a big, growing AoE spreading out on the whole platform. The skill “Consuming Trap” can be of great help to you. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. By doing so, she opens a little Geyser which will start to shoot lava at you. After collecting the buff, make your way back towards the wooden bridge. So in the area you do first, you can’t do the secret boss fight and you can’t collect the resource buff either. The one on the right leads to the final boss of the Hunter’s Grotto, the one to the left leads to the optional boss of this area. Up there, you will face the final boss of this area. This is the Pyrelord’s most noticeable ability. Once you get down again, you will have to wait for about half a minute for the Wounding portal to activate again. The Flameshaper has a dangerous fire channel attack that should be interrupted. It also increases your health, magicka and stamina recovery. Each platform has grappling posts and a Reach Channeler at its inner corner. He will occasionally jump between platforms until his health reaches 80%. Use the Grappling Hook to get across and into the cave. The second colossus spawns at 30% of the Pyrelord’s health, and it takes a while for him to run onto the platform. The order in which you do the areas is entirely up to you. Zakuryn’s most dangerous attack is the Daedric Swell, he lifts his staff up into the air and channels skulls to fly towards you. This fight is not particularly difficult, but if your damage is low you will need quite a few portal phases to get rid of him. Please check out the Hero of the Unending Song Achievement Guide for more information. This is where you can fight the optional boss of this area. The Wounding will give you the ability to use portals, therefore you can get the Essence of Fortitude in Brimstone Den. Killing it will drop a Flaming Rock. Collecting these will raise your stamina even further. The Fire Walker achievement has to be completed in the Brimstone Den (Red Arena), after you kill the Magma Queen (First Boss), you will get the glowing lava orbs. His arena consists of four platforms, two of them are glowing blue, two are glowing orange. There are a total of 6 Ability Altering Weapons (12 with Perfected/Non-Perfected) that you can obtain from the the Vateshran Hollows Solo arena. There is also one hidden/extra boss in each of the three stages. This will form the bridge to the final boss of this area. This is a damage check and if you have insufficient damage output to get past this mechanic, you will not finish this boss fight, there is no way around this. From time to time, you can see the Pyrelord inhale air. It is possible to shield or heal through this phase, but there is an easier way: To avoid the damage from this mechanic, keep an eye on the corners on the platform – in one of them there will be a Brimstone Orb. Killing him opens another gateway. During this, he will shoot fireballs on the ground which will travel all across the arena. If Zakuryn gets hit by this, his shield will be broken. Hunter’s Grotto will give you a grapple hook, that you can use in The Wounding to get to the Essence of Mysticism. The Arena is located in The Reach zone and in order to access it you must own the Markarth DLC. Setup 1 is the preferred setup. Important. To change this, you need to kill the “Blessed Spriggan” that spawns as soon as you get in fight with the Bristleback. Setup 2 – Advanced Gear 3. This fight is very stamina intense, be prepared for this! This really helps a lot with sustain of your main resource if you wear False God’s Devotion or the Vicious Serpent set. His arena is a large rectangular platform with circular shapes at three of its corners. This achievement can be completed in normal Vateshran Hollows, you don’t need to do veteran mode. Be careful, when you get close to a Watcher it will charge an AoE attack that knocks you back and possibly off the ring. At 95%, he will jump to a different platform. You normally can avoid those easily, but if you get hit by them it is not a big deal either as they deal very little damage. Upon Iozzuzunth’s death, a portal back to the Choosing entrance area will open and you can continue your journey. If you kill one of the bosses before the other one, the surviving boss will heal for half of its starting health and become enraged, dealing significantly more damage. Those things are Sentinels, if they see you they put a debuff on you. In general, the fight is not very difficult as the Magma Queen and her helpers don’t deal much damage, but if you let too many adds alive you can still get overwhelmed. Kill the Ogrim Behemoth and use the next Wounding Portal. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.