Read all about them here. After adding CSS class you can use those classes in your custom CSS to style the icons. To adjust sizes, you can use parameters like: You can go all the way up to fa-10x if you want to make it really big! Add-ons; Retina Icons – Font Awesome ; Side Navigation. You can add the Font Awesome classes to the i element to turn it into an icon, for example: Note that the span element is also acceptable for use with icons. There are two ways to add Custom icon, logo or any other image, including vector to the Font Awesome and I’ve shared the both the methods. That is – On the page that loads, copy the code snippet from underneath the icon, Add that code snippet to the place on your WordPress site where you want to use the icon. There’s no “My” in “Icons”. Open your style.css file and include the font-awesome.css file path like this. But since you’ll probably read this post in the future, you should go to Font Awesome and get the latest link. Sandeep Ranjan Sandeep Ranjan. Note: No downloading or installation is required! font-awesome provide lots of icons and you can use it very easily. Read more about how to get started with Font Awesome in our Font Awesome 5 chapter. Example of ambulance. These icons are treated just like fonts. Niranjan G Vala says: Jul 1, … Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. Change font awesome icons size with example. The world’s most popular and easiest to use icon set just got an upgrade. If not, Better Font Awesome does pretty much the same thing, just in plugin format. You can now add your own icons to a kit and use them right alongside (or as a replacement for) official Font Awesome icons! add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_load_fa' ); And it also gives you shortcodes and a graphical interface to insert Font Awesome icons while you’re in the WordPress editor, which is a big benefit if you don’t like having to work directly with code. icons indicate more, you don't need to write label for it. Using a plugin is by far, the easiest method of adding any font icon to your website. This tutorial will concentrate on the FREE edition. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Step 2 - Drop In The Icon. icons also make beautiful layout of our application. To insert an icon, use the tag, and give it a CSS class="fa fa-ICON" – Check out the Font Awesome Gallery for the full list of available icons. You place Font Awesome icons by using the prefix fa and the icon's name. Here's how you add an icon: . You can use the existing Font Awesome font files in your SuiteCommerce or SuiteCommerce Advanced bundle as the basis for new ones (ie add your new icons to them) Depending on your version, Font Awesome font files must be replaced (SuiteCommerce Advanced Aconcagua/2018.1 or newer, and SuiteCommerce) or overridden (Kilimanjaro/2017.2 or older) Its capabilities are presented as Vue.js components which expose most of the functionality. 25. Brand icons should only be used to represent the company or product to which they refer. And just like that, you should have your icon: That icon is so little, though! I have a dashboard with different sized widgets. So there you go – it’s not too hard to manually add Font Awesome to WordPress. First, you’ll learn a simple manual method that you can use to add Font Awesome. Font Awesome is a convenient library of icons. You just added Font Awesome to WordPress. To get started, install and activate the plugin. There are a lot of versions… If unsure, just load all.min.css which contains everything. Each font-awesome icon has its own CSS class for exmaple, fa fa-lg fa-home CSS classes will be used for home icon. 3445. And if you’re already using Elementor, you might not even need either of those methods because Elementor already has Font Awesome icons baked right in! The only con of this method is that you’ll need to manually update the stylesheet URL if you want to always use the latest version of Font Awesome. Retina Icons – Font Awesome; Smallipop; Retina Icons – Font Awesome. Adding font awesome icons. In the URL field, add your social media link (Facebook, in my example), and in the Link Text, add the Font Awesome HTML icon code that you copied. }. Orbit is an easy to use, powerful image slider that’s responsive, allowing you to swipe on a touch-enabled device. 1. Active 11 months ago. Step 1 – Install and activate. 2. In the example above, the style prefix and icon name are fas and fa-thumbs-up, respectively. New Icons in Font Awesome 3.0. icon-cloud-download; icon-cloud-upload; icon-lightbulb; icon-exchange; icon-bell-alt; icon-file-alt; icon … For example, here’s how to quadruple the size of one of your icons: Finally, the plugin includes a basic settings area that you can access by going to Settings → Better Font Awesome. We added Font Awesome icons to our Bootstrap installation. Viewed 20k times 6. Now that you’ve enqueued the stylesheet, you’re ready to start using icons in your content. See more linked questions. Now you can apply the CSS and make it bold. With this tutorial, we’ve seen how easy it is to add icons from the Font Awesome set into your Vue.js application, and we’ve dabbled in using the underlying Font Awesome library. You can resize them with no quality loss because they’re vectors. The Vue.js integration for Font Awesome is built upon that underlying library. But it’s totally fine to add this directly to your theme’s functions.php file as long as you’re using a child theme. For simple applications, you could use inline styles: For sizing, you could also use Font Awesome's built in keywords: An important thing to remember is that FA icons inherit the font-size of the parent container. Last updated Oct 7, 2020 @ 6:19 pm. because, unlike regular images:. They’re super easy to customize – you can change sizes, add animation, throw on a border, and lots more. One of the beautiful features of Font Awesome icons is the ability to add animation to the icons. Load the Font Awesome library from the CDN. Then, you’ll learn how you can use 2 different plugins to accomplish much the same thing. I love the plugin. One way to easily use Font Awesome in WordPress is to install the very nice plugin Font Awesome Icons. Example of h-square. The default size for the buttons is quite small, so you write some CSS to increase the size of the buttons, along with the text and icons within them: You can also adjust an icon's size directly by targeting the icon itself and adjusting its font-size. These icons include Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, Apple, and even freeCodeCamp: While you'll only have access to solid and brand icons under the free plan, there are still many ways to style them. This feature very useful when we want to add loading or status communicating symbols. Related. Reply. We also have thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world. As the most popular icon toolkits, it's easy to include and use in all of your projects. Read our Elementor review for a look at more reasons why we love Elementor. How would if be if you could add an icon font to display those icons and then scale them to any size just like fonts, while maintaining the sharpness and clarity of the icons. Example of heart-o. With a little searching you're bound to find the perfect icon. You can resize them with no quality loss because they’re vectors. You can make a tax-deductible donation here. Font Awesome 4 Font Awesome Intro Icons Brand Icons Chart Icons Currency Icons Directional Icons File Type Icons Form Icons Gender Icons Hand Icons Medical Icons Payment Icons Spinner Icons Text Icons Transportation Icons Video Icons Web Application Bootstrap Icons BS Glyphicons Google ... Users & People Icons. Want to add Font Awesome icons to WordPress? Set cellpadding and cellspacing in … Though Glyphicons provided amazing icons, they still need to load a CSS sprite with those 160 images. If you think to use icons in your application then you will always prefer to use font awesome icons. Note that the span element is also acceptable for use with icons. I have created a structure like this. And that’s it! Method: #1 — Adding through coding The easiest and the quick method to add custom icon to the Font Awesome through coding is by stacking text and icons method already introduced by the developers of Font Awesome. from the WordPress space. In Font Awesome Angular we can use spin and pulse to animate the icons. icons also make beautiful layout of our application. html css font-awesome. Option 1 – Adding icon fonts in WordPress using plugins. Icons is a basic requirement of each project. WPLift / WordPress Tips & Tutorials / Design / How To Add Font Awesome Icons To WordPress: 3 Easy Methods. More styles. But if you’re looking for an even easier way, here are two great plugin options. Let's get started with use font awesome icons in angular 10. First thing you need to do is install and activate the Better Font Awesome plugin. First, we need to install a font-awesome package using the npm. This means that the icons scale with any text that might be used with them, which keeps the design consistent. Feature Update! To manually add Font Awesome icons to WordPress, all you need to do is enqueue a stylesheet in your WordPress theme. Font Awesome icons are awesome (sic!) There you have it – three different ways that you can add Font Awesome icons to your WordPress site. That’s because Elementor uses Font Awesome to power all its icon options. Font Awesome 5 Icons. Once the custom link was added to the GeneratePress menu, click the down-arrow to display the settings. For example, say you want to create several buttons. Better Font Awesome basically does exactly what I showed you in the manual section. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Awesome, nor vice versa. Until Now. Note: No downloading or installation is required! This will produce a simple thumbs up icon: … Now over to you – how do you use Font Awesome icons on your WordPress site? Ask Question Asked 4 years, 3 months ago. Font Awesome 5 has a PRO edition with 7842 icons, and a FREE edition with 1588 icons. Now go on icon up all the things. Then, you can pretty much start using icons right away. There are only two critical pieces you need to get an icon font to display: the icon's unicode number, and the font-family, which is always "FontAwesome" for Font Awesome, or "themify" for Themify Icons. How To Manually Add Font Awesome Icons To WordPress, How To Enqueue Font Awesome Stylesheet On WordPress, How To Use Font Awesome Icons In Your Content, How To Make Font Awesome Icons Bigger (Or Change Them In Other Ways), 2 Plugins To Help You Add Font Awesome Icons To WordPress, That’s How You Add Font Awesome Icons To WordPress, click here to skip straight to that section, go to Font Awesome and get the latest link. Share this: Twitter; Reddit; @import "~font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css"; Tilde (~) is referencing the node_modules folder. Adding a font awesome icon to a css class. Also do add the font-awesome CDN, Hope this helps. let's see step by step explain how to add font awesome icons in angular 10. Hi i am trying to add the font awesome icon in before and after elements.But i do not know how to write its css and how to get font awesome icons links to put it in the after before css. How to add some non-standard font to a website? To manipulate Font Awesome icons, you just need to add some extra parameters to the icon code that you added in the WordPress editor. Click Add to Menu. Font Icons Home Bootstrap Icons example Material Icons Example Font Awesome Style Icons Font Awesome Icons Size Font Icons with Fixed Width Font Awesome List Icons Font Awesome Bordered Icons Animated Font Icons Font Rotate & Flip Icons Font Awesome Stacked icons Bootstrap Glyphicons Glyphicon Icons Style Bootstrap Glyphicon Size Material Icon Color Material Icons Size … But these settings do come in helpful if you want to use a specific version of Font Awesome, rather than always using the latest version: If you use the Elementor page builder (that’s what we use here at WPLift! Improve this answer. Basic Icons. You add icons you need to give the font-awesome classes to i tag and I tag should be inside of a tag. To use the Free Font Awesome 5 icons, go to and sign in to get a code to use in your web pages. If you are not already using Font Awesome for the Divi site, add Font Awesome to site right with this easy guide. Have a look at the rotating fan icon . More icons. Nah – don’t worry. Follow edited Jul 7 '20 at 18:23. answered Dec 26 '17 at 0:40. More Icons Get 1535 icons right now with FA Free, plus another 7020 icons with Pro, which also gets you another 53 icon category packs as we finish them! 704 12 12 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges. Is it possible to use Font Awesome icon instead to select default drop down sign. 1. They’re super easy to customize – you can change sizes, add animation, throw on a border, and lots more. Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. Most of the time, you don’t need to change anything here. To add this code with the Code Snippets plugin, go to Snippets → Add New and paste it in: Make sure to click Save Changes and Activate at the bottom to make the code snippet active. Terms & Conditions | Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy | Contact | About, Blogging | Business | Design | Marketing | Resources | SEO Tips | Speed Optimization | Technical, Premium Themes | Free WordPress Themes | Theme Reviews | Theme Directory, Admin | Analytics | Backup | Blog | Booking | Business | Cache | Customer Service | Ecommerce | Email Marketing | Event | Form | Forum | Image | Login | Map | Marketing | Membership | Menu | Monetize | Page builder | Search | SEO | Social | Table | Translation | Video, How To Add Font Awesome Icons To WordPress: 3 Easy Methods. You can use other modifiers to do stuff like add borders, animate your icons, change angles, and more! Share. These icons can be vector graphics stored in the .svg file format or web fonts. The table below shows the Free Font Awesome 5 Users & People … … function enqueue_load_fa() { There’s one caveat – see the URL part? npm install font-awesome. Make sure you use the. Learn to code — free 3,000-hour curriculum. To use the Font Awesome icons, add the following line inside the section of your HTML page: . A Plugin Alternative – Font Awesome Icons. Get started, freeCodeCamp is a donor-supported tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (United States Federal Tax Identification Number: 82-0779546). I need to make a single class that adds a border around the widget, and also adds a font awesome icon to the top right of the widget on top of the existing content. wp_enqueue_style( 'load-fa', '' ); And what’s your preferred method for adding them? The Font Awesome Icons plugin even has a TinyMCE plugin which allows you to add icons to your post or page content in the Visual Editor. Showing font awesome icon inside text box. If you absolutely know that you want to use a plugin, click here to skip straight to that section. Yes! So here’s the code you’d use to triple the icon from the previous example: . While you can download Font Awesome and host it yourself via that same URL, it’s easier for most people to just use the free CDN. I always recommend that people use the Code Snippets plugin to manage functions.php, so that’s what I’m going to do for this tutorial. More Options. To use the Free Font Awesome 5 icons, you can choose to download the Font Awesome library, or you can sign up for an account at Font Awesome, and get a code (called KIT CODE) to use when you add Font Awesome to your web page. This is the current version of Font Awesome as I’m writing this post. By using font awesome fa-lg, fa-2x, fa-3x, fa-4x, fa-5x properties we can change the size of icons easily. Font Awesome is, well, awesome! Adding Font Awesome icons to WordPress is a great way to improve the aesthetics of your site as well as make it easier for your users to navigate. Sounds complicated, right? And I’m going to show you 3 ways that you can start using them on your WordPress site. Add @nuxtjs/fontawesome to buildModules in your nuxt.config Font Awesome offers the following style prefixes: Brand icons are often submitted by the company itself, and are useful for building things like buttons for social authentication or payment. Font Awesome Icons, also known as fa icons, are a quick and easy way to add simple pictures to your WordPress. Want to add Font Awesome icons to WordPress? Step 7. Next click to expand an individual menu item and you will notice the option to add CSS classes. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. because, unlike regular images: Right this moment, Font Awesome includes over 2,986 different icons. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public. One Font, 675 Icons In a single collection, Font Awesome is a pictographic language of web-related actions. Font Awesome 5 Released! This will produce a simple thumbs up icon: And here's how you would insert that icon onto a button: Notice that there are two parts to using an icon, the style prefix and the icon name. Adding a font awesome icon to a css class. How i do this with one css class? Please do not use brand logos for any purpose except to represent that particular brand or service. If you want to get the attention of your readers, you need to make the website amazing and attractive with free Font Awesome icons. Let’s fix that…. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Medical Icons. In this example we’ll use Better Font Awesome to add the font to the website. ), you already have Font Awesome icons available to you via the Elementor interface. You can find them all on Font Awesome website. Adding Font Awesome to the Divi theme is easy as we have covered almost every aspect that you need to know. To include Font Awesome in your app or page, just add the following code to the element at the top of your HTML: The i element was originally used to make other elements italic, but is now commonly used for icons. It’s super easy – I’ll show you. 2. You can specify their size using pixels, and they will assume the font size of their parent HTML elements. When you do, this is how you add to your WordPress site. Once a week you’ll receive the freshest news, tutorials and resources If you’re comfortable with a little tinkering, the manual approach is always a good first option. There are nearly 700 different icons to choose from as of the recording of this tutorial. Otherwise, let’s get started with the manual method! 535. The easiest way to access icons is to simply use the Icon widget that’s available in the free version of Elementor: But Font Awesome icons will also make an appearance in other widgets – like the Icon Box or Icon List. Font Awesome icons are awesome (sic!) You’ll get a new Insert Icon button in the WordPress Editor: When you click it, it will open an interface where you can search the entire Font Awesome library and easily insert icons: When you select an icon, the plugin will add a shortcode to the editor: To change the icon’s size, or otherwise manipulate it, all you need to do is add the same short snippets from the manual section of this guide to the class area. Our mission: to help people learn to code for free.