If you would use the printer like that or if it ever comes loose again during a print, that corner is going to burn up quicker than you can say “fire extinguisher”. High accuracy printing quality, down to 50 microns. La Artillery Genius con una dimensione di stampa di 220x220x250 mm e la Sidewinder X1, che approfondiremo in questa recensione, con una dimensione di 300X300X400 mm. But don’t let that fool you. 48 Beiträge. Maybe it makes sense if you also use their Repetier Server print server, but as is, I would prefer to use any other UI instead of the Repetier Host one. L'excellente imprimante 3D FDM Artillery Sidewinder X1 dans sa toute dernière version (V4) au volume d'impression de 300x300x400mm ! I’m probably not going to earning any affiliate commissions from any of you buying the X1, but if you think this video helped you out in any way, you can support the channel just by leaving a like on the video or even on Patreon or YouTube memberships. That’s going to put a ton of stress on the wires and they will eventually break. I'm making a simple sign with raised lettering. Caractéristiques techniques Fiche comparateur Les revendeurs Atome3D … For software, Artillery is providing Repetier host with profiles for Slic3r. Cura/Artillery Sidewinder X1 Extruder Start/Ende G-Code. Support my work on Patreon!Product links are affiliate links – I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). Plus important encore, l’utilisation d’Artillery Sidewinder X1 pour l’impression est très simple, car les deux fonctions de récupération empêchent les défauts et les … Overall, though, this level of quality is very respectable. Adding the Artillery Sidewinder X1 3D printer to Cura 4.4. Abonnez vous à notre newsletter pour être notifié des nouveaux produits et promotions. Look, we're not a fan of cookies, either - so we only use those that are absolutely necessary for running the site and track as little information as possible. Fresh guides, reviews and projects are published every week! 300 300 400mm large print size; 150mm/s max print speed. Mir war er bisher gänzlich unbekannt, wirkt aber sehr robust und stabil durch seine breite X-Achsen Führung. I’m not talking about the flat flex cables that have been an issue for people in the past – they work perfectly fine on my machine and I’m not seeing any hot spots in the connectors that would degrade them over time. C’est la première chose à faire car c’est un problème souvent constaté sur les X1. The Prusa Slicer profiles I shared for the Genius are compatible with the X1. Das … My only issue is the print bed. Tecnología de impresión: FFF (Fabricación de filamentos fundidos) Área de impresión: 300x300x400 mm. Sale. Overall, it’s still an average, usable setup, it’s just that there’s no point in this being an E3D knockoff when you don’t get most of the benefits of the original. 1 x Artillery® Sidewinder X1 3D Printer Kit. I definitely appreciate everyone who’s already doing that, because it means I won’t need to suck up to the manufacturers of these machines to make producing these reviews worthwhile. Den Sidewinder gibts aus dem EU Lager von Gearbest: Artillery Sidewinder X1 bei Gearbest. Which… works, I guess, at least with a teflon-lined heatbreak, since those are less reliant on proper cooling, but without the air guide structure that the original Aero uses, this version spills air all over your printed part, which is another factor that will make printing ABS, ASA or maybe even PETG somewhat unpredictable on this printer. XYZ resolution 0.05mm, 0.05mm, 0.1mm. I think the nail in the electrical coffin is the lack of CE, which should be obvious considering the flaws – this printer and its power supply do have the “China export” logo, but not the “CE” logo that would certify that this machine is built to European safety standards and is legal to import into and sell inside the European Union. Also protect the motor from the dust, protect the end of the aluminium profile and save the hotbed cable from wear and scratches. Technical Specification: Build Volume: "300 x 300 x 400mm 11.8 x 11.8 x 15.75in" First, I add a “non networked printer” and select “Custom“. Diese ist leider offline, evtl ein Zusammenhang mit Corona? Marlin 1.1.9 pour la X1: Artillery SWX1 Marlin 1.1.9 Advanced Firmware and GUI et le mode d’emploi Marlin 1.1.9 pour la Genius : Artillery GENIUS Marlin 1.1.9 Advanced Firmware and GUI Vous pouvez retrouvez sur cette page mes commentaires sur le flashage du firmware de 3d-nexus, tel que je l’ai fait sur ma machine. I could keep on going here, like the touchscreen is alright, but it’s one of the worst translated and hastily-thrown-together interfaces on a printer these days, and even though the print quality and functionality as a 3D printer is fine, as soon as you look under the hood, it becomes a rather scary machine to use. Artillery is pretty green. Alright, so while everything up until this point is… fine, I guess, the electrical issues, for me, are an absolute deal breaker because they’re not something the average user will be able to fix or even recognize, but they’re also a ticking time bomb that could quite literally set your house in fire at any given time. We’ve got a 300x300x400mm build envelope with a standard V-slot frame, the hotend and extruder are a a direct-drive E3D Titan Aero Volcano knockoff, with a sock, the bed is a coated glass sheet with a mains-powered silicone heater, and it does not have auto bed leveling, but comes with a touchscreen and a … Added the Artillery Sidewinder X1 and Genius #8301 konskarm merged 17 commits into Ultimaker : master from cataclism : master Oct 13, 2020 +1,565 −0 Payez en douceur votre imprimante 3D Artillery avec le 2x, 3x et 4x sans frais, dès 100 EUR d'achat et par carte banquaire. Mit dem neuen Artillery Sidewinder-X1 erscheint ein weiterer 3D Drucker auf dem Markt. And thank you all for watching (or reading, in this case)! There is a bit more curling visible than I’d like and on prints where you can see it, it looks like either the filament pulling up on the toolhead, the motion system having some inaccuracies or the spool mount up that likes to wobble the entire frame is still causing some imperfections. With this one, the spots in the corners where the height adjustment screws are located are significantly colder, so any warp-happy prints that extend out to those areas might give you some trouble sticking down. La Artillery Sidewinder X1 es una impresora 3D con mayúsculas, ofrece una calidad de impresión difícil de superar. Artillery Sidewinder X1 Nå endelig tilgjengelig I Norge. Artillery Sidewinder X1 - aluminium profile protection Y endcap. Simplify 3D (payant, notre préférence, disponible ici ) Téléchargez l'archive ici , décompressez-la puis lancez Simplify3D. Chez Artillery 3D Expert, nous croyons beaucoup en nos produits et nous avons pleinement confiance dans les imprimantes 3D de la marque Artillery. Printer isthe latest version - version 4 now. And because they’re using the “old” Slic3r instead of the optimized PrusaSlicer, the slicing itself can be excruciatingly slow at times, too, this vase took, I think, 15 or 20 minutes just to slice, vs. seconds when using the same setup on PrusaSlicer or a modern version of Cura. Lancez Cura : vous aurez alors dans la liste des imprimantes, la marque Artillery avec le choix de la Sidewinder X1 et Genius. Maddin13 @maddin13. I made this for safety reasons because the aluminium profile near to the Y motor its very sharp and easily can pinch or cut the finger there. Artillery® Sidewinder X1 SW-X1 3D Printer 300x300x400mm Large Plus Size High Precision Dual Z axis TFT Touch Screen. It’s also been very reliable for me so far, which is something that you really need for a printer this size. Imprint / Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung, WhamBam Mutant: A Quick-Change Toolhead Upgrade for any 3D Printer! So let’s get cracking on the Artillery X1, starting with the specs. There’s mismatched connectors all over the place, locking plug into non-locking sockets, single “Dupont” style female connectors into header with pins that I know are too short to make proper contact, and it’s all held together with hot glue. Ich hab mir den Sidewinder X1 gekauft und bräuchte nun die originalen Cura Profile von der Artillery Website. What’s unique about the X1 are these flat flexible cables that are used on the Z-axis and on the X-axis. After looking through all the positives and negatives, we do recommend the Artillery Sidewinder X1 3D Printer. The included manual is detailed, the initial assembly is fast and relatively easy to do, and they’re even reminding you to adjust the v-wheel on every axis. Choisir Artillery 3D Expert. Today we’re going to take a look at the Artillery X1. Once more thing that whoever is making this Titan Aero knockoff has also messed up is the tension adjustment. Que vous soyez novice ou chevronné dans l'impression 3D la X1 vous épatera par sa simplicité de montage, d'utilisation, mais aussi par la pléthore de capteurs embarqués qui lui procure une précision redoutable. And of course, I won’t be giving you the lovely-dovey sugarcoated version, if you want that, just, you know, have a look at the manufacturer’s website or at one of the many “reviews” that just try to get you to buy the printer through an affiliate link. The main board runs Marlin 1.1.9, which has all the safety features enabled as far as I can tell, but again, the wiring on all of this, even though it’s not safety critical, is still quite bad. When I unboxed the Artillery X1, the 230V heater mat was already starting to come loose from the glass on one of the corners. Retrouvez aussi sur … Yes, there is a “CE conformity certificate” that apparently applies to the X1, but when you just google the issuer, the Shenzen HX company, you find expired permits they’re showing off on their website as well as a blacklist entry on the TÜV website because apparently Shenzen HX is involved with forging TÜV testing reports for face masks. This printer uses a 230V heated bed, which, if done correctly, I think is a great addition, because they are able to get to temperature really quickly. -5% de remise supplémentaire pour une Sidewinder X1 avec le CODE : HIVER2020, -10% de remise sur filaments, pièces détachés et accessoires avec le CODE: MISSILE. Le SW-X1 a un grand volume de construction de – 300 x 300 x 400 mm – conçu pour relever des défis majeurs. Artillery Sidewinder X1 is a all-in-one cartesian 3D printer with ultra quiet stepper drivers, direct drive extruder, dual Z axis, AC heated bed, TFT touch screen. rCaractéristiques principales. Seuls les fichiers à installer changent. Et c’est également l’une des causes fréquentes de cassure du levier de l’extrudeur dont il faut rappeler qu’il est en plastique (mauvais point, M. Artillery). The artillery sidewinder seriously impressed me with the quality of the print, and how quiet it is. Impresora 3D Artillery X1 V4. Using the stock Z endstop, you can achieve Auto Bed Leveling on your printer without spending any money on a different sensor. Enjoying the videos? Both seen to do with the quality type. Artillery® Genius 3D Printer Kit 220*220*250mm Print Size with Ultra-Quiet Stepper Motor TFT Touch Screen. I find that concept super inefficient to use, since you still have to jump into the slicer itself to change any settings, but you’re like, not actually supposed to then use the slicer directly, but instead do your object arrangement and gcode saving through Repetier Host. Not only is the adjustment screw kinda hard to use with the way that the extruder is mounted on the X1, but the extruder body also just doesn’t have the little hole where you can see what your idler tension is set to, so adjusting it on the X1 is a bit of a gamble anyways. Cura 4.4 Profile for Sidewinder X1 Wondering if these have been seen before and what I can do to fix it. Download files and build them with your 3D printer, laser cutter, or CNC. 07.04.2020, 17:00 Hallo zusammen, bald kommt mein SWX1 und ich habe mir für Cura 4.5 von Ernst Renner das SWX1 Profil von seiner Seite geladen. Procédure pour la X1. Elles proposant des hautes performances et une grande qualité d'impression, à destination des Makers, hobbyistes, créatifs et professionnels. It sticks well during prints and releases easily afterwards, it does leave a bit of a texture, but there is a massive problem with the way the bed is built and that’s that it is incredibly unevenly heated, which is actually not all that uncommon for bed that just use a glass sheet with a silicone heater stuck on. Before I jump into the electrical and electronics, which are… a pain point for this printer, let’s quickly stick with the heated components, the heated bed, where prints should stick to, and that does work well. My main slicers are Prusa Slicer and IdeaMaker. It is a budget Titan Aero Volcano clone, and instead of using the characteristic single-piece frontplate and heatsink, it’s these two parts that are just screwed together dry. Die zwei Z-Achsen sollten in Kombination mit dem Direct Drive Titan … A 0.6mm or 0.8mm nozzle would really help this printer along. From what I’ve seen, the X1 supposedly has always been a printer that was really close to being a perfect low-budget machine and only had a couple of flaws that would need to be figured out, so what I really want to know is if Artillery or Evnovo finally managed to push it over the edge and turn it into a great printer or if they’re keeping it as another mediocre CR-10-inspired lookalike. Thingiverse is a universe of things. Just edit the bed size configuration. What I’m talking about is the 230V, main-powered components in here. The alignment of those is notoriously bad on pretty much every machine that uses them and when you try to use the printer as it’s shipped, with loose wheels, you’re not going to have a great time. Elles sont idéales, autant pour les professionnels et les passionnés, imprimante 3D Artillery Sidewinder X1 ‘V4.2’ (Dernière version), Imprimante 3D Artillery Genius ( Dernière version ), Le meilleur du filament pour votre imprimante 3D Artillery, Filament PLA Premium ARGENT - 1Kg / 1.75mm, Filament PLA Premium ROUGE - 1Kg / 1.75mm. But the fact that they apparently downgraded this stuff or didn’t properly validate for use – I don’t know, that doesn’t sit right with me. Mejor impresora 3D 2020 principiantes mediana. Alright, so I’m going to be doing 3D printer reviews all throughout November, and I’ll try to cover the ones that, you know, you might look into for getting as a Christmas gift or just for yourself. Artillery Sidewinder X1: Marlin Advanced 1.1.9 With NEW UI and Mesh Bed Leveling (And More) News & Announcements 24 February 2020 Yes, you read that right- Mesh Bed Leveling. As far as the user experience goes, that’s ok, too. There’s no profiles for PETG or any other materials included – and with this “improved” hotend, the printer caps out at around 240, or at most 250°C before the PTFE starts to get damaged. The relatively easy set-up, the quiet motor, and the versatility all combine to make this a quality printer. So far so good. So let’s have a bit of a closer look at the components used here, and let’s stick with the extruder and hotend. I called “Artillery Sidewinder X1“. I can now name my printer in the text field. It’s got this, I guess, screen printed surface on the glass, which works great for PLA. Artillery Sidewinder X1 er en stor maskin som er kjent for å gi utrolig mye for pengene. I’m going to call this “really decent”. The information in this post is based on Ultimaker Cura 4.7.1. The Sidewinder X1 Auto Bed Leveling Mod came to live because not everybody wants to spend over 35$ for an Original BLTouch sensor, I thought it would be nice to see if I can use the stock inductive sensor.And after testing it, I can safely say it’s a good alternative. Características diferenciales de la impresora 3D Creality: Mais surtout nous croyons que le service est une plus-valu importante que nous pouvons apporter à nos clients : un stock situé en France, avec une expédition rapide (en général, dans la journée), mais aussi un support technique français, situé en France, expert en impression 3D, mais aussi des services annexes comme des vidéos d'aide pour vous aider à tirer le maximum de votre imprimante 3D. It may or may not be valid for other versions. Ich kann verstehen warum, auch wenn der Artillery nicht perfekt ist, er macht ein sehr guten Eindruck und liegt preislich sehr günstig. Two parts on the extruder that seem a bit off to me: The idler lever, which seems to be a problem for a lot of people out there, hasn’t been an issue for me, but the filament guide between the hobbed gear and heatbreak is. What sort of a print quality does that get you? Elle est identique pour la Genius. It uses some sort of a semi-rigid sleeving, but instad of rolling smoothly, it kinks in three distinct spots. Ok. Considering that the frame of the printer is not properly grounded, that does become a rather “juicy” detail. Couple issues with this one. That all comes to a price of around $430. You might have seen a review or two of this printer on other channels from a couple of months ago, but this is the newest iteration, the v4. The hobbed gear in here is not particularly sharp, and I do expect that to be a limiting factor if you try to push the printer a bit faster than it’s printing now – as is, with the stock 0.4mm nozzle this extruder isn’t working all that hard. The X1 comes with two profiles, PLA normal and PLA fine, and they’re actually well-tuned and work great with the X1 hardware. This is my first (and so far only) 3D printer and I’m quite happy with it, but it’s always a bit annoying to have to find and install … Tom's 3D is published by New Media Thomas Sanladerer and covers new developments in consumer and professional 3D printing. If you’re not familiar, Repetier host is a really weird thing. It’s also lacking the paperwork that would need to be included with the machine, so if you order it from outside the EU, it might actually get confiscated by customs. Artillery Sidewinder X1 er uden sammenligning, den bedst byggede printer til prisen. This video shows what the Artillery Sidewinder X1 looks like out of the box. Best 3D printer under $500: buying guide and selection——Last update: October 27, 2020,By Aniwaa team EVNOVO Artillery Sidewinder X1 3D Printer Review---by CHEP , in 29 Nov 2019 Fichiers Sidewinder X1 Décompresser Sidewinder-X1-PLA-template-3DPrintBeginner.zip pour obtenir Sidewinder X1 - PLA template - 3DPrintBeginner.bi n; Décompresser Sidewinder-X1-PETG-template-3DPrintBeginner.zip pour obtenir Sidewinder X1 - PETG template - 3DPrintBeginner.bin The printer has 400mm of usable print height, but even when using just 1.5% of that available height and the faster slicer profile, you’re already looking at 10 hour of print time. Next, the way the heater’s wiring is routed from the base to the moving bed. Artillery or Evnovo have fixed issues on the X1 models before and I really hope they fix the rest of them, too, but until they do, this is a printer I’m going to have to advise you to stay away from unless you’re know what you´re doing and are really committed to fixing its flaws. Slicer profiles for Sidewinder X1. Vérification du serrage de l’extrudeur. It’s made by a German company and basically, it’s another UI on top of your slicer, so it provides a consistent top-level UI and then passes on the actual slicing to Slic3r, PrusaSlicer, Cura, etc. So let’s get cracking on the Artillery X1, starting with the specs. Overall Verdict. Their first printer, the Artillery Sidewinder X1 rings up at less than $500, which is a steal in this sector. Cura 4.3 Pause at Layer/Height not working on Artillery Sidewinder X1 Apologies if this has been answered, I'm brand new to 3d printing and couldn't find this answer. By the way, if you want to know how to set up an electrical fire, this is it. This thing is the reason why I do not want to use this printer. If this one has an oopsie, it can mean days of printing lost instead of just a couple of hours on a smaller machine. A linstar de ce superbe topic sur la U20, je vais essayer de faire un topic généraliste qui regroupe toutes les informations essentielles sur la X1 dont jai publié le test sur le blog. Specification: Frame: Aluminum Extrusion Layer Resolution: 0.1mm XYZ Positioning Accuracy:0.05mm, 0.05mm, 0.1mm Printing Filament: PLA, ABS, TPU, Flexible Materials Evnovo/Artillery Sidewinder X1 setup in Ultimaker Cura. Find additional material and full transcripts to the content on YouTube here. They’ve only been around since October of 2018, but they got off on the right foot, releasing a 3D printer that goes toe to toe with plenty of other quality, budget 3D printers. We’ve got a 300x300x400mm build envelope with a standard V-slot frame, the hotend and extruder are a a direct-drive E3D Titan Aero Volcano knockoff, with a sock, the bed is a coated glass sheet with a mains-powered silicone heater, and it does not have auto bed leveling, but comes with a touchscreen and a filament runout sensor. I also wish the Volcano was using a larger nozzle than the 0.4 out of the box, because as-is, the printer can’t move fast enough with its large glass bed and relatively heavy toolhead to make use of the Volcano’s higher meltrate, prints still take a long, long time to finish if you actually use this printer to make large parts, as intended. Su sistema de extrusión directa y su gran robustez le permiten imprimir muy bien con una amplia gama de materiales, incluido flexibles, donde supera a la mayoría. (NOT on Kickstarter). Momentan kannst du den großen Drucker mit einer Druckfläche von 300x300x400mm ab 317,23€ auf De.gearbest.com kaufen. Spicy detail about at AC wiring: This pin down here is exposed live voltage whenever you switch the printer “off”. To be specific, I click on Add Custom FFF Printer and then I click the Add button. Materiales de impresión: ABS, PLA, TPU y PETG. And I’ll try to make these videos a bit shorter, since I’m sure there will be plenty of reviews to watch from me and from everyone else. Der Sidewinder verkauft sich grad wie geschnitten Brot. Man kan med det samme mærke, at dette er en 3D printer, hvor der er tænkt over tingene, og intet er tilfældigt. Découvrez la gamme d'imprimantes 3D FDM de la marque Artillery avec la Sidewinder X1 et la Genius. You can find the IdeaMaker profiles or Sidewinder X1 in this article. Add to Cart. Artillery Sidewinder-X1 is a 3D printer with power panic, quiet stepper drivers, direct drive extrusion, filament runout sensor, dual Z system, AC heating platform, touch screen. On the original Titan, these are made from POM so that filament doesn’t stick to it as you pull it out of the hotend, on the X1, it looks like it’s ABS, and I did have this clog up solidly once when trying to unload filament. Really, the fully usable area is about the size as on better printers one size class down. As of Cura 4.7.1, the popular Artillery Sidewinder X1 printer is still not supported out of the box. Artillery 3D offers a Cartesian-style 3D printer called the Sidewinder X1, which is available for purchase from the company’s official Aliexpress online store. If we look at the electronics, it’s an 8-bit MKS GEN L mainboard, coupled with a 32-bit controller for the touchscreen. Good morning, Just updated CURA from 4.7.1 to 4.8 and when I go to import the printer profiles I have been using I get a couple different errors. Now, what’s interesting is that it looks like the X1 at some point used a different type of sleeving that actually bent more smoothly, you can even see that in the background of some of their YouTube videos. This thing takes a long time to take apart and reassemble. Between the change in material for the filament guide, the downgraded hobbed gear and this, it seems like another one of those cases where a cloner will try replicate a part, but make little changes that don’t seem like a big deal to them, because they don’t know how the part actually works, but in reality, those changes do make quite a difference. Description: Artillery Sidewinder X1 est une imprimante 3D pour les professionnels et les amateurs. I found some cura profiles already created online, and other than a couple of tweaks here or there due to filament it's printed amazing.